Critical Incident Handouts

Resources for managers with employees affected by Haiti

As a supervisor, you have THREE KEY responsibilities:

  1. First, to provide information about the EAP to your employee. This means you need to know the facts ( the who, what, where, when and how of the program).
  2. Second, to encourage a troubled co-worker, friend or subordinate to use the program if she/he is having a personal problem. We all develop friendships at work. This is natural. And it’s over coffee or lunch that a friend might indicate that something has gone wrong at home, a financial problem has developed or legal assistance is required. This would be an opportunity to mention the EAP and suggest to your co-worker/friend that he/she check it out.
  3. Third, to refer the employee with an on-going, continued job performance decline to the EAP. The EAP can serve as a supervisory tool for you when dealing with an employee whose performance is declining.

A BRIEF SUPERVISORY GUIDE - Intervening To Save A Good Employee

Saving Good Employees Online
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