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Laina Braasch, LCSW, CEAP

EAP Counselor

Laina is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 23 years of experience in the mental health and addiction field. Graduating with honors from both schools, Laina received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Westfield State College and received her master’s degree in Social Work from Rhode Island College. She has experience providing support services to adolescents and young adults within school systems, community support programs and residential programs. She has seven years of experience in addiction services, providing both didactic and therapeutic group and individual counseling. She has 6 years of experience in administration as a program director and supervisor in a community mental health agency, which provided crisis intervention, case management, psychosocial rehab and employment services to the chronically mentally ill population.

Laina has been trained in CISM and has twelve years of experience as a crisis clinician in an emergency room setting, completing crisis evaluations, risk assessments, crisis counseling and disposition formulation working closely with staff and community providers.