Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should I Use the Employee Assistance Program?
We all experience ups and downs in life. It’s impossible to avoid the many stresses, conflicts, and challenges that occur in modern life. Often we resolve these situations on our own or with the help of family and friends. Sometimes however, it helps to talk to an experienced counselor.
Your employer recognizes how important you are to the success of the organization, and so provides this valuable service to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Your participation in the EAP is voluntary and strictly confidential.
What Kinds of Problems Can the EAP Help With?
Just about any kind of concern imaginable can be brought to the EAP. They range from simple to complex situations and fall mainly into the following categories:
- Stress, anxiety & depression
- Marital & divorce
- Family & parenting problems
- Alcohol & other drug dependencies
- Budget & debt problems
- Bereavement & other losses
- Change in the workplace
Other problems include legal, eating disorders, child and elder care, compulsive gambling, family violence and traumatic incidents.
How Do I Get Started?
Just call the EAP number: (800) 526-3485. Our phones are answered 24/7.
We offer convenient appointment times to meet your schedule. Usually, you won't have to wait more than a few days for an appointment.
Where Are the EAP Offices?
Solutions EAP has a statewide and national network of professional EAP counselors.
What’s the EAP Counseling Like?
The EAP counselor helps you sort things out and get to the heart of the problem. It is a “here and now,” problem-solving approach to resolve the situation. If ongoing or specialized services are needed, the counselor will refer you to several resources that have been screened and evaluated. The counselor will follow up with you to ensure that you're satisfied and making progress.
How Many Sessions Can I Have?
When you call, we will let you know how many EAP sessions are provided under your employer’s plan. We always keep the door open, so if you use your EAP sessions and your situation flares up again, you may see the counselor again to reassess what is needed. You may use the EAP more than once in a year if it’s for a different problem.
Our role is not to provide ongoing counseling or therapy, but to help you sort things out, develop an action plan, and provide targeted referrals for ongoing or specialized services if needed. Many people find it helpful to talk things out with an objective, experienced professional.
Can Family Members Use the EAP?
Any employee and/or their family members can access the EAP. Family members do not have to be dependents or immediate family members to use the EAP. Either the employee or family member may initiate the process by calling for an appointment.
When Should I Use the EAP?
Whenever you feel the need to talk to someone objective, experienced and nonjudgmental. We suggest the earlier, the better. Waiting or ignoring a problem usually makes things worse.
What are LIFEtips, STRESStips & PARENTips?
The Tips service is a quick and easy way to use the EAP to get information on a wide range of human interest topics. We can send you information on parenting, stress, alcohol & drugs, relationships, moods, balancing work & life, budgeting, eldercare, bereavement, or almost any other topic you can think of. If you have a specific request, simply give us a call at (800) 526-3485 to discuss it with our staff. You don't need to come in to meet with a counselor.
Is There a Cost for EAP Counseling?
There is no cost to you or your family members for the direct counseling you receive from an EAP counselor. If you are referred to a treatment resource beyond EAP counseling, there generally will be costs involved. Some of these costs may be covered by your medical insurance plan. We will inform you up front what your out-of-pocket costs will be.
Is the EAP Confidential?
The EAP service is strictly confidential. No one will know you've contacted the program, and your name is not reported to your employer. Records are kept separate. The records are informal and are not part of your medical or personnel records. In fact, no one has access to the EAP records except for the EAP staff. The EAP is bound by the strictest legal and ethical guidelines and cannot release any information without your written permission. State and federal laws, however, mandate that in cases of child abuse, elderly abuse, or where a person may be a threat to his or someone else's safety, the counselor must notify the proper authorities.
What is Solutions EAP?
Solutions EAP is a program of Behavioral Health Connecticut, LLC. Solutions has operated EAPs since 1980, growing from a local program in Connecticut to a national provider. Solutions currently serves over 100 organizations, covering 50,000 employees.