Workplace Consultation
We offer expert consultation to employers on a broad range of workplace issues: policies and procedures, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, bullying, workplace violence, domestic violence, diversity issues, sexual harassment, DOT regulations, and more.
Sometimes it can be difficult to manage employees. Some employees may be struggling with pressures outside of work, and these stressors may spill over into the workplace causing performance, interpersonal, or behavioral problems. How do you know if you should take action when the problem may involve personal issues? You have to address any performance concerns without becoming over-involved in the employee’s private life.
There is a proven way to manage these situations: Solutions EAP is available to help you deal effectively and be supportive to your employees.
With an EAP, You Have 3 Key Responsibilities:
- Provide information about the EAP to your employees. This means you need to know the facts (the who, what, where, when, and how of the program). You need to understand key features such as the confidentiality of the program and how to access EAP services. Also, EAP services are free to the employee and to family members.
- Encourage troubled co-workers, friends, or subordinates to use the program if they are having a personal problem. We all develop friendships at work. This is natural. And over coffee or lunch, a friend might indicate that something has gone wrong at home, a financial problem has developed, or legal assistance is required. This is an opportunity to mention the EAP and suggest to your co-worker/friend that they check it out.
- Refer employees with ongoing, continued job performance declines to the EAP. The EAP can serve as a supervisory tool for you when dealing with an employee with job performance issues.